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Fig. 5 | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Fig. 5

From: Anti-aggregant tau mutant promotes neurogenesis

Fig. 5

Increased endogenous Tau in anti-aggregant TauRD∆KPP slices at DIV30. a OHSCs from control, anti-aggregant TauRDΔKPP and pro-aggregant TauRDΔK P8 pups were cultured until DIV30. Slices were stained with K9JA (pan Tau antibody) for the distribution of Tau. The control and the anti-aggregant TauRDΔKPP slices show uniform axonal distribution of Tau as detected by K9JA. By contrast the pro-aggregant TauRDΔK slice shows mislocalization of Tau into the somato-dendritic compartment, most prominently in the CA3 region (arrows). b Tau levels at DIV30: Protein extracts from OHSCs of controls, anti-aggregant TauRDΔKPP and pro-aggregant TauRDΔK slices were analyzed by western blotting using Tau antibody K9JA (loading 3μg/lane). c Quantification of the western blot showed a 80%increase in the amount of mouse Tau (by K9JA staining) in the anti-aggregant Tau RD∆KPP slice cultures when compared to the controls. There was a 20% reduction in the amount of Tau observed between the pro-aggregant Tau RD∆K and the control slices. Results are given as mean ±SEM of 10 animals and 3 slices per animal and represent the ratio between immunolabelled Tau and actin levels, obtained by densitometry analysis of western blots. Data were analyzed by Student's t test. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001 and ****p<0.0001 compared to control slices

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