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Table 1 Classification of ADNI participants based on the A/T/N framework and clinical stage

From: Early increase of CSF sTREM2 in Alzheimer’s disease is associated with tau related-neurodegeneration but not with amyloid-β pathology

  1. The ADNI participants were classified based on their clinical stage, as defined by the clinical dementia rating (CDR) score, and the biomarker-based A/T/N framework. The A/T/N framework comprises 3 biomarker groups: A Aβ pathology biomarker status, T tau pathology biomarker status, and N neurodegeneration biomarker status. Each of the biomarkers group have binarized into positive/abnormal (+) or negative/normal according the biomarkers cutoffs. T and N have been merged to simplify the classification and TN- indicates that both T and N are normal and TN+ indicates that T and/or N are abnormal.
  2. The numbers shown here are excluding the TREM2 mutation carriers and CSF sTREM2 outliers (as defined as values 3 standard deviations above or below the mean).
  3. The colour indicates the different groups used for comparisons in the main text. Healthy controls (n = 122) are depicted in blue, the Alzheimer’s continuum (n = 459) in red and the suspected non-Alzheimer’s pathology (SNAP) group (n = 173) in green.
  4. Bold text depicts the groups analysed when modelling the course of AD, namely 'healthy controls', 'Preclinical AD A+/TN -', 'Preclinical AD A+/TN+', 'AD CDR = 0.5' and 'AD CDR = 1'